February 28, 2012

Teeth (again)

     I swear it is raining teeth in our house. Poodaloo lost another one last weekend. I was unaware the little beastie was loose. Now she has multiple holes in both upper and lower jaws.

     And, once again the tooth was lost before it could be taken by the tooth fairy. However, this tooth was not swallowed. Poodaloo was attempting to booby-trap it and it fell to the floor and bounced. She was hoping to catch the tooth fairy when she visited. Thankfully, her booby-trapping skills are sub-par. It is doubtful the tooth fairy would visit again if she were apprehended in such a manner.

     This morning saw Panda at the orthodontist office to have the latest spacer installed. There is a great deal of metal in her mouth considering she does  not actually have braces. Her mouth was sore by the time school got over. In proper motherly fashion, I heartlessly informed her that is what always happens after a trip to the orthodontist. You mouth hurts!


  1. J-Bear wants to know the lost-tooth count. How many teeth have Panda and Poodaloo each lost?

  2. I cannot keep track so consulted with the authorities (both of whom instantly knew the score). Poodaloo has lost eight teeth, two of which were pulled by a dentist. Panda has lost 13 or 14, a couple also pulled by the dentist.

  3. I love the idea of booby trapping the tooth fairy, made me laugh.
