September 22, 2012

Dare I write this?

     Panda has experienced an huge leap in emotional stability. Hardly any throwing things. She can often stop herself before she explodes in anger. This has been over the past several weeks. Her recent therapy sessions have focused on working through a book called, What to Do When You Grumble Too Much.

     We aren't sure if this book has wrought the change but the timing is right. Could be all the strategies we've worked on the past year are finally coming to fruition. Perhaps is it a result of her Baba resigning from his job and landing another job. He is so much more relaxed and engaged in family stuff without the stress from work.

     I suppose it doesn't actually matter. We are thankful for the changes, no matter the source! We love her so much!

Panda and her gigantic cabbage. All third graders in the school district receive a cabbage to grow over the summer.

September 17, 2012

Why do French people do that?

     My girls love listening to audio books in the car. We always have one in the CD player. I like them, too. It has been fun revisiting or hearing anew books for kids. My faves have been the books written by E.B. White because he reads the stories. How cool to hear the author reading his own books. Can't decide if I liked Charlotte's Web, Stuart Little or Trumpet of the Swan best.

     Which was your favorite kids book? Maybe the library has it on audio and you can listen in the car. No one else has to know. My lips are zipped.

     From time to time we select an audio book I realize is too old for them. But by the time I figure out they are hooked on the story. For example, there is a series written by Jennifer Allison about a young lady who considers herself to be a psychic investigator. We've listened to three books in the series. It was the second book, Gilda Joyce: The Ghost Sonata, which was too mature for Panda and Poodaloo. In the story, 14 year old Gilda receives her first kiss. Afterward, in the way of teenage girls, Gilda and her friend Wendy Choy talked about the kiss. To wit*, it wasn't a French kiss, just a regular kiss.

     As you might imagine, Panda and Poodaloo wanted to know what is a French kiss. I always try to be factual & matter of fact when they ask questions of that nature, so I briefly described a French kiss. At the time, that completely satisfied their curiosity and they continued listening to the story.

     Several weeks later, Poodaloo mentioned she and Panda had tried French kissing. Then she said, "Mama, why do French people do that? It's just sharing germs! Yuck!"

     Totally cracked me up.

Meaning of 'to wit' in case you aren't sure (like me).

September 16, 2012

Summer fun

     Random photos from our summer adventures.

Girl Scout retreat in June. It was colder than our past retreats but everyone still had fun.

End of school and early summer adventures.

Vegetables, cats and swimming lessons!
Girl Scout horse camp near Salmon, Idaho. They loved it and hope to go back next year!

Moderate to severe . . . .

Note:  I began this post in April. Before it was finished, things got wild in our lives. You could say May, June, July & August kicked me in the rear-end. It was definitely a kick that caused me to neglect this blog and my five followers. 
Sorry . . . . I will start posting again. Cross my heart.

     A few weeks ago my therapist told me she thinks I am depressed. I completed some screening questions and the screening indicated I am 'moderate to severely' depressed. I made an appointment with my PCP (primary care physician - what a silly acronym - I call him Dr. R.) to change or add to the anti-depressant medications I take each day.

     I've taken antidepressants for several years. Prior to starting antidepressant medication, I had the attitude of a certain dwarf*. I didn't realize grumpiness is a symptom of depression.My doctor told me that one of every three patients he sees suffers from some degree of depression.

* Grumpy

    It also runs in families. My mother battled depression for many years. She was diagnosed as bipolar, except it was called manic depression in those days.

     Previous to starting antidepressant medication, I had no idea depression was so common. Now, I make a point to talk about my depression and medication whenever I can. It is not talked about enough. People need to know they are not alone with it.

     Over the past year I have noticed there are certain signs telling me I'm getting depressed. The problem is, when you are depressed, knowing it's happening is not enough to get you out of it. If I have an especially bad day, at least I know tomorrow will most likely be much better.

     One sign has to do with my medications and the other with laundry. I don't remember to take my meds every day when I'm getting depressed. And, I cannot make myself fold and put away the laundry, either. I usually get it washed and we have to dig for clean clothes in baskets.