1: the quality or state of cohering: a systematic or logical connection or consistency
2: integration of diverse elements, relationships, or values
Synonyms: balance, harmony, concinnity, consonance, consonancy, orchestration, proportion, symmetry, symphony, unity
Last May, in an on-line Every Day is Mother's Day conference from the Beyond Consequences Institute, I learned about the the HeartMath Institute (IHM). In July, my therapist (CA) suggested I use a device from IHM to teach my body to let my heart be in charge. I was very intimidated by the little box and didn't give it much of a chance. After a few weeks, I gave it back and said 'no, thanks'. We continued to work with EMDR and I try to remember to breathe, breathe, breathe when my buttons were pushed, pounded, and strangled.
A couple of weeks ago, Panda met with CA to learn how to use emWave2 handheld device. Baba attended as the technical person since the little box has me buffaloed. The device measures the the level of coherence between heart waves and brain waves. Red is low, blue is medium and green is high. There are games kids can play to improve coherence. For example, you can fill the pot at the end of the rainbow with gold coins by staying in medium or high coherence.
According to the emWave2, Panda is very good at controlling coherence - far better than I. She likes it very much that she's better. Today we returned for a follow-up visit. Tonight we had one of the best nights we've experienced in a couple weeks. Coincidence? I think not, but I don't keep a journal to document it so who knows for sure.
It has been several weeks with the emWave2. She doesn't do it every night but remembers to use the wave most nights. Panda has returned to talk with CA a third time. They also did some bilateral therapy by clapping hands across from each other. EMDR is a bilateral therapy and CA uses it every time I meet with her. (Memories are moved to long term storage ~ where they belong ~ by way of repeatedly crossing the corpus callosum.)
It has been several weeks with the emWave2. She doesn't do it every night but remembers to use the wave most nights. Panda has returned to talk with CA a third time. They also did some bilateral therapy by clapping hands across from each other. EMDR is a bilateral therapy and CA uses it every time I meet with her. (Memories are moved to long term storage ~ where they belong ~ by way of repeatedly crossing the corpus callosum.)
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