All in all, the finished product is great. I'm still trying to get the dust cleaned up but the furniture is back in place. Here is the finished product. You can see the girls wasted no time using the floor as a surface for art projects.
The Girl Scouts have a dance each spring called Me and My Guy. Here are my favorite girl scouts and their guys. J-Bear thought it was loud. Panda thought it was great. Pooda did not express an opinion. The guys were mum on the subject, too.
The sun was very bright and they made goofy faces.
The last few days of April was the annual dietitian conference. I was basically not home for three days. It was such fun to see friends and colleagues. I learned a great deal of stuff, too. This three day adventure netted me 19.5 continuing ed credits. I am now done with the requirements for this term. The dietetic credentialing agency has given me the go ahead to start another five year cycle. Yippee! Cross-my-heart-and-hope-to-die, I will not get so far behind this time.
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